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Acceptance, Compassion, and Truth.

Our community of believers at New Life Ministries welcomes you. Come join the “Life”!

New Life Ridge Manor 

34006 Cortez Blvd. Ridge Manor, Florida 33523

Phone: (352) 444-4752 - Pastor John Balogh

Sunday: Worship 11am

Tuesday: Women's Bible Study 10:30am

Wednesday: Leadership Meeting and Prayer 7pm

Second Saturday of The Month: Men's Breakfast 9am

Pastor John Balogh

Pastor John loves his family. He is blessed with a faithful wife, five children, and a host of grandchildren. He loves people, and he ministers with mercy, faith, and encouragement.

Pastor John loves the Lord and exercises his spiritual gifts to God's glory and the edification of the church. He is an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as a church planter and licensed counselor.

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